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Thoughts & Inspiration

The Where and How…

Hello friends, I apologize for not explaining the where and how donations can be given. Because the vast majority of my readers are overseas, the easiest way to give is financially. There are two ways to do this, depending on your…

YMS youth!

  If you read my last blog, then you know that we are starting up YMS (Youth Mission Solutions) youth group this Saturday. It is a lot of work and energy starting from scratch, but we are very excited about…

When new is now old

“Africans are very clean people, they expect tidiness”…”In Africa, everyone prays at once when you gather”…”Some people really do believe sleeping with a virgin cures AIDs.” A team of volunteers arrived from Alabama earlier this week and these are just…

Almost “home”

One of the girls that I mentor always says I’m obsessed with counting and numbers. I can remember being 9 or 10 and hearing my mom shouting across the house, “Leah? What’s the church’s phone number?”…”Leah? What’s Grandma and Grandpa’s…