
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

“Africans are very clean people, they expect tidiness”…”In Africa, everyone prays at once when you gather”…”Some people really do believe sleeping with a virgin cures AIDs.”

A team of volunteers arrived from Alabama earlier this week and these are just a few of the tidbits and guidelines I gave to my new friends. I can remember being in the same boat when my feet first touched African soil. Everything was so new and I soaked up every experience trying to gain wisdom with each passing day. So much has become normal to me that I don’t even realize it’s different until I see the curiosity, inquisitiveness, and occasional confusion on the faces of “foreigners.”

Week three of four of our holiday program is officially finished. We have had our bumps in the road for sure, but I would say it has been successful so far. The first two weeks with kids 12 and younger went pretty good, but we struggled with being a bit unorganized for sure. The theme for the two weeks was LOVE. We talked about respect, loving our families, friends, the way God loves us and we should in turn love him, and practiced love in action by picking up garbage in and around Refilwe. The kids did awesome. In addition, we had three music/arts classes and the kids each chose one that interested them: dance, drama, and singing.

We have just finished up the first week with our 13 and older kids. Our curriculum is Beat the Drum, a movie which focuses on relationships and staying abstinent, and it has been going great. They are really responding well and being challenged. I am so thankful for the 6 girls that are here because they have taken a lot of pressure off of us as leaders to try and run around before hand as well as teach from beginning to end. I am also thankful for their support because they have taken over my small group and drama class while I am out sick (yuck!)

I’ve been in Jo’burg now for a month, and it has been wonderful, but hasn’t been smooth sailing. I’ve had my share of struggles and breakdowns trying to fit in while still maintaining a relationship. Please pray for me (and Piet as well) in this area. I can really feel satan’s attacks very strongly. I know this is a time where we have to really press into the Lord because HE is our shield. If you would like more details on how you can pray for me, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly.

Love to you all my family and friends,
it’s LOVE that lasts.