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I have a more serious prayer request.
Please be in prayer for my family. My grandpa is in the hospital, and has been for about a week and a half now. He started off with the shingles, and now has pneumonia. He isn’t able to eat at the moment because of a problem with his larynx. I don’t know all of the details, but things aren’t looking great. He has been having a bit of trouble with his memory too, but they aren’t too sure if it’s the medicine or if it’s beginning stages of dementia.
My dad is taking it really hard, as he should, it’s his dad. And my grandma is struggling as well, they are both getting up there in age. Just keep them in your prayers that God will bring them peace and rest! 
Anyway, thanks for your continuous prayers!

Love because of the hope of salvation we have in CHRIST!

4 responses to “Your prayers are needed”

  1. Hi Leah,

    Thanks so much for putting out the call to prayer to your network. I know it will make a difference. We already are feeling it!! Bill is also on the scene and with all the siblings, grandkids, and In-laws, we will continue to work as a team to make Dick comfortable and progress in in his healing.
    On another note, have you read “The Dream Giver”? I’m enjoying the vocabulary applied to following God’s will in our lives. You’d be one of the few I know who might want to share there experience of this book if you read it.

    Loving and appreciate you –Auntie Joy