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Sometimes there just aren’t words for how amazing God is. The past few days I’ve felt completely overwhelmed by the awesomeness of who He is.

I know that God has created me with a very specific purpose, one that most people that know me are quite aware of. My heart overflows with compassion and sometimes I don’t know what to do with it. I love people with a deep, deep love. I value relationship above just about anything. I try to see everyone in the eyes of God, which is not easy all of the time.

I’m sitting here watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition holding back tears (I’m pretty sure I’ve never made it through an episode without weeping) because of the great love of God. I love this show so much because it makes me feel so amazing and so happy to be alive and to be giving my life for other people.

For the past year, I’ve been working at Bank of America and I love it so much. I’ve been able to create friendships with many of my customers and I’m thrilled whenever they come in. Many of them have asked to stay in touch with me and are so excited about my next year. I feel like bursting at the seams because I’m so blessed by all the relationships in my life. When you leave a place or a town that you’ve been a part of for so long, you realize just how many people you have to say goodbye to. It’s a really incredible feeling to truly see how many people care about me as well. My prayer is that I have had half the impact on them as they’ve had on me. I can’t even begin to count my blessings.

These days I find myself holding my breath in anticipation of what God’s going to do next. I get to be a part of this great life!

5 responses to “Overwhelmed”

  1. hey leah…. wow, we are very similar when it comes to loving people and watching extreme home makeover!!! To me, relationships are one of the most important things in life, community… and making people feel wanted and whatnot! I cant wait to meet you in less than a month!!!!! our lives are going to be transformed in freaking crunk ways like never before!!! 54 days!!!

  2. We are with you Leah! I’m so glad you are being obedient to the call that Jesus has for your life. Thanks for being a huge example to our family of what it looks like to follow Jesus.

  3. Hi Leah! We are so excited for you!!!

    How is your financial support going? Where can we send support for you?