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We have just hired a part-time nanny to do our housework. My housemates and I aren’t at home all that often, so it will make life a bit easier.
Here in South
Africa, most white families hire what they
call “nannies” to do all of their housework. They are domestic workers, at first I equated them with black slaves.
These black ladies have no education, and generally no other opportunities for
employment. They work Monday through Friday earning 20 Rand each day. That’s about $2.00-$3.00 a day. Nannies are not child care providers, as the name
suggests, but they do everything around the house. They wash all the dishes, do
the laundry, iron and fold the laundry after it’s been hung dried, and clean
the house top to bottom. The hours of the nanny vary by family. Our nanny will only come once every other week as she has other households all the other days of the week. Nannies of larger families come everyday, and by the time they are back each morning, the
housework has piled up once again.

White families don’t see anything wrong with what is happening
in their homes. Because of Apartheid, they know no different. Even though
Apartheid is over, there is still so much evidence of it. It will take many,
many years for the country to witness actual change and reformation. I have
seen white families get irritated if their nanny doesn’t show up for work each
day. It has become so common to have domestic workers, that it is simply easier to leave everything for the nanny. It really is hard to tell if the nannies are happy or unhappy.

The employment, or unemployment, circle is never ending. The
blacks have the least education in the country of South Africa. They live in the
townships and they go to a school where they receive peanuts for an education.
The township schools really are terrible. A few girls I spent time with at the
Children’s Home were 13 and 14 and didn’t know 3×5, or any other simple math. Because
of their education, they can’t get a good job, and because they can’t get a
good job, they can’t earn enough to move out of the township, and because they
raise their children in the township, the cycle continues.
So what do we do with it? I am trying to treat our nanny as a real person. Humanizing someone is one of the best things you can do for them.  They don’t have any opportunities for change or for a better life, so respecting them and believing in them is all I can do at this point.
Love because God’s Spirit is in you.


If you are interested in supporting me
financially, checks can be sent to Discovery
Church, 5860 Las Positas Road, Livermore, Ca 94551. Checks can be made
payable to “Discovery Church” with “South Africa” in the memo
line.  Checks can also be made out to “The Stirring” with “South Africa”
in the memo line, and sent to 1348
Market St. #201, Redding,
Ca 96001