I mentioned in my last blog that I have been going to a grief group. It’s been really helpful and healing for me. I think the color (or should I say colour:)) has returned to my checks. Our assignment this week was to write a letter.
Dear Sarah,
You missed your 19th birthday this year. But we made sure to celebrate anyway. We honored your life, spoke of your love, and praised God for sharing you with us for a little while. Your family is doing ok, your siblings are being strong for your mom. She really misses you. We are all so proud of you Sarah, for literally giving your whole self to Africa. You left with no regrets. Because of the tragedy we’ve experienced we all left stronger people. We definitely struggled, but it was the Lord who pulled us through. Looking at your empty bed the many mornings after your death was hard. We definitely felt a void.
God has shown us how he is redeeming tragedy. He hasn’t lost control even when it often feels that way. He is using this tragedy– He is using every tragedy– for eternal good. He showed us he hasn’t forgotten about us. HE has given us hope.
Sarah, we had other family nights after you left us. Though you weren’t there with us, we didn’t forget you. I know you would have loved to have been there. But you are somewhere else now. Somewhere so much better. All your wounds are gone and your mosquito bites healed.
Sarah, dance with the angels, dance with all your might.