Well here I am. Day 11 in South Africa.
I moved into my new place on Monday of this week. My housemates are very nice, yet not home all that often as they both work full-time jobs. Today was my first opportunity to come use the internet at my favorite little cafe, Mugg & Bean.
We have two cute little doggies at our house. One is a fox terrier named Muis and the other is some sort of boxer named Kia. They both speak Afrikaans. Haha.
I have had a bit of a rough time the last week. Everyone here is so great at making me feel at home, and making sure that I am doing well, but I can’t help that my mind goes 100 miles an hour (or should I say kilometers). I’ve had a lot of time in an empty house to let my thoughts run wild. Though I know for certain in my soul that this is exactly where God has led me, I can’t help but think I’ve made a mistake. There are days that I long for familiarity and the comforts of my parent’s home. My first Firehouse was last Saturday, and it was so exciting to see all my kids who’ve been waiting for my return, but there was something missing. My teammates are not here with me. Reality has set in that I have to make it on my own now.
It is sooo cold here. I know I told most everyone that it’s 75 degrees all the time, but I lied. It’s the middle of winter and it’s very cold. No houses in South Africa have central heating, so we basically just have to bear it. I have to pile on the blankets just to sit in the living room and watch tv. And I’ve never drank so much tea before in my life. I probably have 3 cups a day to keep me warm.
Into the Son camp is coming up in less than 2 weeks on my birthday. I’ll be a dorm leader and maybe a small group leader. It’s supposed to be a really crazy time with lots of really crazy manifestations. I’m definitely nervous about it because it will probably be lots of things I’ve never experienced before.
I guess you can see in this blog the ways you can pray for me. I really need a car badly! Pray that all the details will work themselves out nicely and quickly.
Thanks for all your love and support.
Love is not a burden.